Wireless sensor network is a self-organizing and multi-hop network system that consists of a large number of sensor nodes organized by wireless communication. It can real-time monitor, find and collect information within monitoring coverage. And it has a great future that seemed as one of the most promising technologies in the 21st century. Routing protocol is the key of chi straightener wireless sensor network and today it is the hot area at home and abroad.Wireless sensor network is different from traditional wireless network , people have done a lot of researches for the chi flat iron routing protocol of wireless sensor network. The paper analyzed the existing wireless sensor polo shirts network routing protocol and investigate their features and performance. According to the key factor that should be considered when we design wireless sensor network routing protocol, the paper proposed a new routing protocol named Clustering Hierarchy Tree routing algorithm based on men's nike shoes LEACH, which is called CHT_LEACH for short, the routing algorithm made some improvement for women's nike shoes LEACH protocol at formative stage of cluster and phase of inter-cluster communication.At cluster formation stage, the paper presented the concepts of candidate cluster head, final cluster head, for the asymmetrical distribution of cluster heads and not having taken into account the residual energy of cluster heads.